jueves, 30 de enero de 2020

NFкB is a critical transcriptional regulator of atypical cadherin FAT1 in glioma | BMC Cancer | Full Text

NFкB is a critical transcriptional regulator of atypical cadherin FAT1 in glioma | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Overexpression of FAT1 gene and its oncogenic effects have been reported in several cancers. Previously, we have documented upregulation of FAT1 gene in glioblastoma (GBM) tumors which was found to increase th...
Authors:Chitrangda Srivastava, Khushboo Irshad, Yakhlesh Gupta, Chitra Sarkar, Ashish Suri, Parthaprasad Chattopadhyay, Subrata Sinha and Kunzang Chosdol
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:62
Content type:Research article
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