jueves, 15 de agosto de 2019

High-content imaging analyses of γH2AX-foci and micronuclei in TK6 cells elucidated genotoxicity of chemicals and their clastogenic/aneugenic mode of action | Genes and Environment | Full Text

High-content imaging analyses of γH2AX-foci and micronuclei in TK6 cells elucidated genotoxicity of chemicals and their clastogenic/aneugenic mode of action | Genes and Environment | Full Text

[Pick Up] High-content imaging analyses of γH2AX-foci and micronuclei in TK6 cells elucidated genotoxicity of chemicals and their clastogenic/aneugenic mode of action

august2019The in vitro micronucleus (MN) test is an important component of a genotoxicity test battery. However, scoring micronucleated cells by microscope is laborious and time-consuming. A high-throughput assay system for detecting MNi automatically has long been desired in the fields of pharmaceutical development or environmental risk monitoring. UsingγH2AX, a sensitive marker of DNA double strand breaks, Takeiri et al. established a high-content imaging assay that automatically detected MNi and simultaneously measured γH2AX foci in human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells. The assay provided information on the aneugenic/clastogenic mode of action.

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