martes, 14 de enero de 2020

Effects of a cognitive ergonomics workplace intervention (CogErg) on cognitive strain and well-being: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. A study protocol | BMC Psychology | Full Text

Effects of a cognitive ergonomics workplace intervention (CogErg) on cognitive strain and well-being: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. A study protocol | BMC Psychology | Full Text

Cognitively straining conditions such as disruptions, interruptions, and information overload are related to impaired task performance and diminished well-being at work. It is therefore essential that we reduc...
Authors:Virpi Kalakoski, Sanna Selinheimo, Teppo Valtonen, Jarno Turunen, Sari Käpykangas, Hilkka Ylisassi, Pauliina Toivio, Heli Järnefelt, Heli Hannonen and Teemu Paajanen
Citation:BMC Psychology 2020 8:1
Content type:Study protocol
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