domingo, 12 de enero de 2020

Rapid response of stage IV colorectal cancer with APC/TP53/KRAS mutations to FOLFIRI and Bevacizumab combination chemotherapy: a case report of use of liquid biopsy | BMC Medical Genetics | Full Text

Rapid response of stage IV colorectal cancer with APC/TP53/KRAS mutations to FOLFIRI and Bevacizumab combination chemotherapy: a case report of use of liquid biopsy | BMC Medical Genetics | Full Text

Liquid biopsies of blood plasma cell free DNA can be used to monitor treatment response and potentially detect mutations that are present in resistant clones in metastatic cancer patients.
Authors:Alexander Hendricks, Philip Rosenstiel, Sebastian Hinz, Greta Burmeister, Christoph Röcken, Kathrin Boersch, Clemens Schafmayer, Thomas Becker, Andre Franke and Michael Forster
Citation:BMC Medical Genetics 2020 21:3
Content type:Case report
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