jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

Promote Physical Activity with the Move Your Way Campaign

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Promote Physical Activity with the Move Your Way Campaign

Man walking as his doctor ordered.
With all the fitness fads and conflicting health advice flooding our news feeds, it can be hard to catch people’s attention with the physical activity messages that matter. The Move Your Way campaign can help.
The Department of Health and Human Services developed the Move Your Way campaign to share key recommendations from the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, released in November 2018. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, Move Your Way emphasizes personalized, practical strategies that people can use to fit more activity into their busy lives, while clearly communicating the amount and types of physical activity Americans need to stay healthy.
And you can help spread the word! The Move Your Way campaign has resources for health professionals, organizations, and communities to reach adults, parents, kids, and older adults. Use our fact sheets, posters, videos, and interactive tools in English and Spanish to motivate people to be more active and start feeling the benefits of physical activity today.

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