jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018

Questions to ask about end-of-life care for a person with dementia

End-of-life care decisions are complicated and can be even more so for caregivers if the dying person has not shared information about the kind of care he or she would prefer.

When it’s time to make hard decisions, caregivers may want to understand more about the available medical options presented by the healthcare team. You might want to ask questions such as:
  • How will the approach the doctor is suggesting affect the person’s quality of life? Will it make a difference in comfort and well-being?
  • If considering home hospice for the person with dementia, what will be needed to care for him or her? Does the agency have special experience with people with dementia?
  • What can we expect as the disease gets worse?
Get more information about end-of-life care for people with dementia on our website.
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End-of-life care for people with #dementia can be complicated. Learn more about making hard decisions, weighing care choices, and finding #caregiver support: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/end-life-care-people-dementia #EOL

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