lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

An early intervention to promote maternal sensitivity in the perinatal period for women with psychosocial vulnerabilities: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial | BMC Psychology | Full Text

An early intervention to promote maternal sensitivity in the perinatal period for women with psychosocial vulnerabilities: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial | BMC Psychology | Full Text

Maternal mental well-being and social circumstances during pregnancy and early childhood impact the child’s well-being and development. Supportive and sensitive parenting is one of the strongest predictors of ...
Authors:Anne Kristine Aarestrup, Mette Skovgaard Væver, Janne Petersen, Katrine Røhder and Michaela Schiøtz
Citation:BMC Psychology 2020 8:41
Content type:Study protocol
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