jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

CDX2 expression and perioperative patient serum affects the adhesion properties of cultured colon cancer cells | BMC Cancer | Full Text

CDX2 expression and perioperative patient serum affects the adhesion properties of cultured colon cancer cells | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Colon cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer with surgical resection of the tumor being the primary choice of treatment. However, the surgical stress response induced during treatment may...
Authors:Johanne Davidsen, Stine Bull Jessen, Sara Kehlet Watt, Sylvester Larsen, Katja Dahlgaard, Tove Kirkegaard, Ismail Gögenur and Jesper T. Troelsen
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:426
Content type:Research article
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