viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Colorectal carcinomas with mucinous differentiation are associated with high frequent mutation of KRAS or BRAF mutations, irrespective of quantity of mucinous component | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Colorectal carcinomas with mucinous differentiation are associated with high frequent mutation of KRAS or BRAF mutations, irrespective of quantity of mucinous component | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Mucinous adenocarcinoma (MAC) is a distinct type of colorectal cancer (CRC) associated with poor response to treatment and poorer prognosis. MAC is diagnosed by WHO definition when the extracellular mucin is m...
Authors:Xiaodong Li, Katherine Sun, Xiaoyan Liao, Haijuan Gao, Hongfa Zhu and Ruliang Xu
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:400
Content type:Research article
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