martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Lay-therapist-delivered, low-intensity, psychosocial intervention for refugees and asylum seekers (PROSPER): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial | Trials | Full Text

Lay-therapist-delivered, low-intensity, psychosocial intervention for refugees and asylum seekers (PROSPER): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial | Trials | Full Text

Asylum seekers and refugees (AS&Rs) experience impaired mental health and wellbeing, related to stresses in their country of origin, experiences in transit and reception on arrival, including significant barri...
Authors:Rebecca Rawlinson, Rabeea’h W. Aslam, Girvan Burnside, Anna Chiumento, Malena Eriksson-Lee, Amy Humphreys, Naila Khan, Daniel Lawrence, Rachel McCluskey, Annette Mackinnon, Lois Orton, Atif Rahman, Ewan Roberts, Anna Rosala-Hallas, Rhiannon Tudor Edwards, Philomene Uwamaliya…
Citation:Trials 2020 21:367
Content type:Study protocol
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