martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

The HOME Study: Statistical and economic analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial comparing the addition of Proactive Psychological Medicine to usual care, with usual care alone, on the  time spent in hospital by older acute hospital inpatients | Trials | Full Text

The HOME Study: Statistical and economic analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial comparing the addition of Proactive Psychological Medicine to usual care, with usual care alone, on the  time spent in hospital by older acute hospital inpatients | Trials | Full Text

Prolonged acute hospital stays are a problem for older people and for health services. Failure to effectively manage the psychological and social aspects of illness is an important cause of prolonged hospital ...
Authors:Nicholas Magill, Ian R. White, Jane Walker, Katy Burke, Mark Toynbee, Maike van Niekerk, Fan Yang, Simon Walker, Mark Sculpher, Michael Sharpe and Chris Frost
Citation:Trials 2020 21:373
Content type:Update
Published on: 
The Study protocol to this article has been published in Trials 2019 20:483

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