martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

The MiLES intervention targeting employers to promote successful return to work of employees with cancer: design of a pilot randomised controlled trial | Trials | Full Text

The MiLES intervention targeting employers to promote successful return to work of employees with cancer: design of a pilot randomised controlled trial | Trials | Full Text

Employers express a need for support to facilitate the return to work (RTW) process of employees with cancer. We have developed the MiLES intervention, an online toolbox targeting employers during the RTW of e...
Authors:Michiel A. Greidanus, Angela G. E. M. de Boer, Angelique E. de Rijk, Monique H. W. Frings-Dresen and Sietske J. Tamminga
Citation:Trials 2020 21:363
Content type:Study protocol
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