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Artículos científicos de los CDC están listados por orden de fecha de publicación, del 2006 a la fecha (en inglés).
Supplement: Improving the System of Care for Infants and Children with Early Hearing Loss
Pediatrics; Vol. 126; Supplement August 2010
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Pediatrics; Vol. 126; Supplement August 2010
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Newborn Hearing Screening and Follow-up: Are Children Receiving Recommended Services (2010)
Public Health Reports; 2010; 125(02); 199 – 207
Gaffney M, Green DR, Gaffney C
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Public Health Reports; 2010; 125(02); 199 – 207
Gaffney M, Green DR, Gaffney C
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Identifying Infants with Hearing Loss — United States, 1999—2007
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 2010; 59(08);220-23
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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 2010; 59(08);220-23
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Mild and Unilateral Hearing Loss: Implications for Early Intervention
Infants and Young Children; 2009; 22(3):177-187
Holstrum WJ, Biernath K, McKay S, Ross DS
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Infants and Young Children; 2009; 22(3):177-187
Holstrum WJ, Biernath K, McKay S, Ross DS
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Obstetrician/Gynecologists’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Prevention of Infections in Pregnancy
Journal of Women's Health; 2009; 18(8):1187-1193
Ross DS, Rasmussen SA, Cannon MJ, Anderson B, Kilker K, Tumpey A, Schulkin J, Jones JL
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Journal of Women's Health; 2009; 18(8):1187-1193
Ross DS, Rasmussen SA, Cannon MJ, Anderson B, Kilker K, Tumpey A, Schulkin J, Jones JL
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Highly Variable Population-Based Prevalence Rates of Unilateral Hearing Loss after the Application of Common Case Definitions
Ear and Hearing; 2009; 30(6):1
Ross DS, Visser SN, Holstrum WJ, Qin T, Kenneson A
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Ear and Hearing; 2009; 30(6):1
Ross DS, Visser SN, Holstrum WJ, Qin T, Kenneson A
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Knowledge and Practices of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Regarding Cytomegalovirus Infection During Pregnancy
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 2008; 57(03);65-68
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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 2008; 57(03);65-68
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Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection as a Cause of Permanent Bilateral Hearing Loss: A Quantitative Assessment
Journal of Clinical Virology; 2008; 41(2):57-62
Grosse SD, Dollard SC, Ross DS
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Journal of Clinical Virology; 2008; 41(2):57-62
Grosse SD, Dollard SC, Ross DS
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Early Intervention for Children with Unilateral and Mild Bilateral Degrees of Hearing Loss
Trends in Amplification; 2008; 12(1):35-41
Holstrum WJ, Gaffney M, Gravel JS, Oyler RF, Ross DS
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Trends in Amplification; 2008; 12(1):35-41
Holstrum WJ, Gaffney M, Gravel JS, Oyler RF, Ross DS
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Measures of Follow-Up in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Systems: A need for Standardization
American Journal of Audiology; 2008; 17(1):60-67
Mason CA, Gaffney M, Green DR, Grosse SD [Abstract]
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American Journal of Audiology; 2008; 17(1):60-67
Mason CA, Gaffney M, Green DR, Grosse SD [Abstract]
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Cytomegalovirus: A Major Cause of Hearing Loss in Children
The ASHA Leader; 2008; 13(6):14-17.
Ross DS, Fowler KB
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The ASHA Leader; 2008; 13(6):14-17.
Ross DS, Fowler KB
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Prevalence and Effects [of Mild and Unilateral Hearing Loss in Children]
Seminars in Hearing; 2008; 29(2):141-148
Ross DS, Gaffney M, Green D, Holstrum WJ
Article summary not available
Seminars in Hearing; 2008; 29(2):141-148
Ross DS, Gaffney M, Green D, Holstrum WJ
Article summary not available
Women’s Knowledge of Congenital Cytomegalovirus: Results from the 2005 Health Styles Survey
Journal of Women's Health; 2008; 17(5):849-858
Ross DS, Victor M, Sumartojo E, Cannon MJ
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Journal of Women's Health; 2008; 17(5):849-858
Ross DS, Victor M, Sumartojo E, Cannon MJ
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Hearing Screening and Diagnostic Evaluation of Children with Unilateral and Mild Bilateral Hearing Loss
Trends in Amplification; 2008; 12(1):27-34
Ross DS, Holstrum WJ, Gaffney M, Green D, Oyler RF, Gravel JS
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Trends in Amplification; 2008; 12(1):27-34
Ross DS, Holstrum WJ, Gaffney M, Green D, Oyler RF, Gravel JS
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Health State Preference Scores for Children with Congenital Hearing Loss: A Comparative Analysis
Quality of Life Research; 2008; 17(6):943-953
Smith-Olinde L, Grosse SD, Olinde F, Martin PF, Tilford JM
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Quality of Life Research; 2008; 17(6):943-953
Smith-Olinde L, Grosse SD, Olinde F, Martin PF, Tilford JM
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New Estimates of the Prevalence of Neurological Sequelae and Mortality Associated with Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
Reviews in Medical Virology; 2007; 15(5):355-363
Dollard SC, Grosse SD, Ross DS
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Reviews in Medical Virology; 2007; 15(5):355-363
Dollard SC, Grosse SD, Ross DS
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Education Cost Savings from Early Detection of Hearing Loss New Findings
Volta Voices; 2007; 14(6):38-40
Grosse SD
Article summary not available
Volta Voices; 2007; 14(6):38-40
Grosse SD
Article summary not available
Hearing Loss Diagnosis Followed by Meningitis in Danish Children, 1995-2004
Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery; 2007; 136(3):428-433
Parner ET, Reefhuis J, Schendel D, Thomsen JL, Oversen T, Thorsen P
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Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery; 2007; 136(3):428-433
Parner ET, Reefhuis J, Schendel D, Thomsen JL, Oversen T, Thorsen P
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Bacterial Meningitis Among Children with Cochlear Implants Beyond 24 Months After Implantation
Pediatrics; 2006; 117(2):284-289
Blernath KR, Reefhuis J, Whitney CG, Mann EA, Costa P, Eichwald J, Boyle C.
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Pediatrics; 2006; 117(2):284-289
Blernath KR, Reefhuis J, Whitney CG, Mann EA, Costa P, Eichwald J, Boyle C.
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Cost Savings from Universal Newborn Hearing Screening: Comment on Schroeder, et al [Letter]
Pediatrics; 2006; 117(8):844-845
Grosse SD, Ross DS
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Pediatrics; 2006; 117(8):844-845
Grosse SD, Ross DS
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Minimal Hearing Loss and Cognitive Performance in Children: Brief Update
National Workshop on Mild and Unilateral Hearing Loss: Workshop Proceedings; 2006; 1:22-23
Ross DS, Visser S, Holstrum WJ, Kenneson A.
Article summary not available
National Workshop on Mild and Unilateral Hearing Loss: Workshop Proceedings; 2006; 1:22-23
Ross DS, Visser S, Holstrum WJ, Kenneson A.
Article summary not available
Otros artículos seleccionados
The Importance of Reporting All Results of Pediatric Diagnostic Audioilogic Evaluations [Letter]
Audiology Today; 2005;17(3):17
Eichwald J, Gaffney M, Ross DS
Article summary not available
Audiology Today; 2005;17(3):17
Eichwald J, Gaffney M, Ross DS
Article summary not available
Economic Costs Associated with Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Loss, and Vision Impairment – United States, 2003
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 2004; 53(3):57-59.
[Read article]
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 2004; 53(3):57-59.
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The Etiology of Congenital Hearing Loss: A Multi-State Collaborative Study of Infants Ascertained Through Newborn Screening
American Journal of Medical Genetics; 2004; 125C(1):28-34.
Dent K, Kenneson A, Palumbos J, Maxwell S, Eichwald J, White K, Mao R, Carey J.
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American Journal of Medical Genetics; 2004; 125C(1):28-34.
Dent K, Kenneson A, Palumbos J, Maxwell S, Eichwald J, White K, Mao R, Carey J.
[Read summary
Quality Monitoring for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs to Optimize Performance
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews; 2003; 9:73-78.
Finitzo T, Grosse SD
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Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews; 2003; 9:73-78.
Finitzo T, Grosse SD
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Economic Costs of Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Loss, and Vision Impairment
In: Using Survey Data to Study Disability: Results from the National Health Interview Survey on Disability. Research in social science and disability, volume 3. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2003. p. 207-228.
Honeycutt AA, Grosse SD, Dunlap LJ, Schendel DE, Chen H, Brann E, al Homsi G.
Article summary not available
In: Using Survey Data to Study Disability: Results from the National Health Interview Survey on Disability. Research in social science and disability, volume 3. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2003. p. 207-228.
Honeycutt AA, Grosse SD, Dunlap LJ, Schendel DE, Chen H, Brann E, al Homsi G.
Article summary not available
Prevalence and Characteristics of Children with Serious Hearing Impairment in Metropolitan Atlanta, 1991-1993
Pediatrics; 1999; 103(3):570-575
Van Naarden Braun K, Decoufle` P, Caldwell K
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Pediatrics; 1999; 103(3):570-575
Van Naarden Braun K, Decoufle` P, Caldwell K
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Relative and Attributable Risks for Moderate to Profound Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Impairment Associated with Lower Birth Weight in Children 3 to 10 Years Old
Pediatrics; 1999; 104(4): 905-910
Van Naarden Braun K, Decoufle` P
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Pediatrics; 1999; 104(4): 905-910
Van Naarden Braun K, Decoufle` P
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Serious Hearing Impairment Among Children Aged 3-10 Years—Atlanta, Georgia, 1991-1993
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 1997; 46(45):1073-1076
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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; 1997; 46(45):1073-1076
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