sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2019

Chronic Pain: The 20 Most Painful Conditions

Chronic Pain: The 20 Most Painful Conditions


Chronic Pain: The 20 Most Painful Conditions

Pain is an uncomfortable feeling that tells you something is wrong. People feel pain from time to time, but chronic pain is different. It’s a type of pain that is ongoing and typically lasts longer than six months.

What is chronic pain?

Pain is a signal from the nervous system to let the individual know that something is wrong in the body. Pain may be dull or sharp. Pain can take many forms, and be localized to a part of the body or appear to come from all over. Pain involves a complex interaction between specialized nerves, the brain, and the spinal cord.
Both acute and chronic pain are known. Acute pain lasts less than 3 to 6 months. Usually, it’s directly related to soft tissue damage like a  cut, a wound, or a sprained ankle. Acute pain is characterized by its severe or sharp quality. On the other hand, chronic pain lasts more than 6 months. It’s usually associated with an underlying condition, such as arthritis, and is typically less intense, though flare-ups are very common.
Chronic pain can be debilitating and affects a person’s ability to perform activities of daily living. The following includes some of the most painful conditions.

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