miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019

Sesame allergy | Alzheimer’s disease protection | High-salt and the brain

November 19, 2019 Edition

Boy with large sesame seed bagel

Sesame allergy common among children with food allergies

A study found that about 17% of children with food allergies are also allergic to sesame, highlighting the importance of using caution when exposing these children to sesame.

Tau in woman's brain

Gene variation may protect against Alzheimer’s disease

A woman with an inherited condition that causes early-onset Alzheimer’s disease but who didn’t experience cognitive decline until her 70s appeared to be protected by a rare mutation.


High-salt diet triggers changes in mouse brains

Mice fed a very high-salt diet showed accumulation of a protein in the brain linked with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

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