June 16-23, 2016

Last Updated: Jun 16, 2016
- Guide and Position of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics on Personalized Nutrition: Part 2 - Ethics, Challenges and Endeavors of Precision Nutrition.
Kohlmeier Martin et al. Journal of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics 2016 Jun 9(1) 28-46 - Antibiotics, birth mode, and diet shape microbiome maturation during early life
NA Bokulish et al, Science Translational Medicine, June 16, 2016 - Dont Stress About Your Babys Microbiome Just Yet
Ed Yong, the Atlantic, June 16, 2016 - Natural history of the infant gut microbiome and impact of antibiotic treatment on bacterial strain diversity and stability
M Yassour et al, Science Translational Medicine, June 16, 2016 - The Unseen: Millions of microbes are yet to be discovered. Will one hold the ultimate cure?
Raffi Khatchadourian, New Yorker, June 2016 - Gene-microbiota interactions contribute to the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease.
Chu Hiutung, et al. Science (New York, N.Y.) 2016 5 (6289) 1116-20 - Urban Dust Microbiome: Impact on Later Atopy and Wheezing.
Tischer Christina, et al. Environmental health perspectives 2016 5 - Association of primary open-angle glaucoma with mitochondrial variants and haplogroups common in African Americans.
Collins David W, et al. Molecular vision 2016 0 454-71 - Building towards precision medicine: empowering medical professionals for the next revolution.
McGrath Scott et al. BMC medical genomics 2016 9(1) 23 - Announcing the US Microbiome Initiative
US White House, May 13, 2016 - Nutrigenomics, the Microbiome, and Gene-Environment Interactions: New Directions in Cardiovascular Disease Research, Prevention, and Treatment A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
JF Ferguson et al, AHA Scientific Statement, Circulation, Cardiovascular Genetics, April 2016 - Genome-Wide Studies of Type 2 Diabetes and Lipid Traits in Hispanics.
Below Jennifer E, et al. Current diabetes reports 2016 5 (5) 41 - Gene expression profiling gut microbiota in different races of humans.
Chen Lei, et al. Scientific reports 2016 0 23075 - Intestinal microbiome disruption in patients in a long-term acute care hospital: A case for development of microbiome disruption indices to improve infection prevention.
Halpin Alison Laufer et al. American journal of infection control 2016 Feb - Host-microbiome interaction in Crohn's disease: A familiar or familial issue?
Michielan Andrea et al. World journal of gastrointestinal pathophysiology 2015 Nov (4) 159-68 - Role of Helicobacter pylori and interleukin 6 -174 gene polymorphism in dyslipidemia: a case-control study.
Pohjanen Vesa-Matti, et al. BMJ open 2016 0 (1) e009987 - Protein relative abundance patterns associated with sucrose-induced dysbiosis are conserved across taxonomically diverse oral microcosm biofilm models of dental caries.
Rudney Joel D, et al. Microbiome 2015 0 (1) 69 - Characterizing the fecal microbiota of infants with botulism.
Shirey T Brian et al. Microbiome 2015 (1) 54 - Genetic associations and shared environmental effects on the skin microbiome of Korean twins.
Si Jiyeon, et al. BMC genomics 2015 0 (1) 992 - Microbiome and Gluten.
Sanz Yolanda, et al. Annals of nutrition & metabolism 2015 0 28-41 - Genome-Wide Association Studies of the Human Gut Microbiota.
Davenport Emily R, et al. PloS one 2015 0 (10) e0140301 - Role of genetics in infection-associated arthritis.
Benham Helen et al. Best practice & research. Clinical rheumatology 2015 Apr (2) 213-25 - GENETIC POLYMORPHISMS OF HUMAN ?-DEFENSINS IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS.
Szekeres Márta, et al. Ideggyo?gya?szati szemle 2015 3 (3-4) 127-33 - The Gut Microbiome Contributes to a Substantial Proportion of the Variation in Blood Lipids.
Fu Jingyaun, et al. Circulation research 2015 9 - Effect of antibiotic use and mold exposure in infancy on allergic rhinitis in susceptible adolescents.
Yang Song-I, et al. Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology 2014 8 (2) 160-165.e1 - The HLA-DQ2 genotype selects for early intestinal microbiota composition in infants at high risk of developing coeliac disease.
Olivares M, et al. Gut 2015 3 (3) 406-17 - Association of Fusobacterium species in pancreatic cancer tissues with molecular features and prognosis.
Mitsuhashi Kei, et al. Oncotarget 2015 3 (9) 7209-20 - Application of a neutral community model to assess structuring of the human lung microbiome.
Venkataraman Arvind, Bassis Christine M, Beck James M, Young Vincent B, Curtis Jeffrey L, Huffnagle Gary B, Schmidt Thomas M.MBio 2015 (1) - Beta-diversity metrics of the upper digestive tract microbiome are associated with body mass index.
Lin Shih-Wen, Freedman Neal D, Shi Jianxin, Gail Mitchell H, Vogtmann Emily, Yu Guoqin, Klepac-Ceraj Vanja, Paster Bruce J, Dye Bruce A, Wang Guo-Qing, Wei Wen-Qiang, Fan Jin-Hu, Qiao You-Lin, Dawsey Sanford M, Abnet Christian C.Obesity (Silver Spring) 2015 Apr (4) 862-9 - Cancer and the microbiota.
Garrett Wendy S.Science 2015 Apr 3. (6230) 80-6

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