This questionnaire is a joint effort of IF, EDF and EPF led by IF to measure the impact of cross-border healthcare directive on persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases in Europe to influence the healthcare debate at the EU level and make sure that full and non-discriminatory implementation takes place in all member states.
Cross-border healthcare refers to a kind of care in which the patient from one EU member state (where he/she is insured) uses the health services in another member state. People often seek healthcare outside of their home country when a specific treatment is unavailable, the specific care in the other country is considered better or on doctor’s recommendation.
The Cross-Border healthcare directive (2011/24/EU) is an essential piece of EU legislation impacting directly on lives of people with disabilities and people suffering from chronic conditions who may be seeking care in another EU member state. Following the EU review on the progress in implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the CRPD Committee recommended in its Concluding Observations in September 2015 to assess the gaps of this directive. About the questionnaire
The questionnaire focuses on 5 main areas: General questions, National Contact Points (NCPs) and access to information, reimbursement of costs, overall experience with the cross-border healthcare and conclusion. We want to find out how many persons with disabilities and persons with chronic conditions have experience with using this kind of healthcare, how would they describe their experience and how likely they are to make a use of this opportunity again.
No in-depth knowledge is required to complete the survey, questions are about experience with cross-border healthcare. The survey is targeted at IF, EDF and EPF members and their networks; persons with disabilities and chronic diseases or parents of children affected by disability or chronic disease.
The results for persons with disabilities and persons with chronic disease will be compared to one another. We also want to receive a country specific information with which we could target Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) regarding the situation in their country. We also plan to interact with the European Commission on findings and see if we can use the results to push for action on European level which would lead to full and correct implementation of the cross border healthcare directive and better outcomes for patients as well as persons with disabilities. The results of the survey are planned to be presented at the IF event in the European Parliament at the end of the year December 2016. The results will be also made available on IF website www.ifglobal.org.
The survey should take about 10 - 15 minutes to complete and it will be available from the 24th of May 2016 until the 31st of August 2016.
Will my information be published?
The survey is anonymous. We only ask for such information as is necessary to analyse the results, e.g., demographic and country information. No personal information will be published. If you wish to be contacted further, for example for an interview, you will have an opportunity to give your contact details.
By completing and submitting this survey, as a participant, you are providing your informed consent.
If you need additional information about the questionnaire or clarifications on the content, please do not hesitate to write at the following email address: info@ifglobal.org.
Cross-border healthcare refers to a kind of care in which the patient from one EU member state (where he/she is insured) uses the health services in another member state. People often seek healthcare outside of their home country when a specific treatment is unavailable, the specific care in the other country is considered better or on doctor’s recommendation.
The Cross-Border healthcare directive (2011/24/EU) is an essential piece of EU legislation impacting directly on lives of people with disabilities and people suffering from chronic conditions who may be seeking care in another EU member state. Following the EU review on the progress in implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the CRPD Committee recommended in its Concluding Observations in September 2015 to assess the gaps of this directive.
The questionnaire focuses on 5 main areas: General questions, National Contact Points (NCPs) and access to information, reimbursement of costs, overall experience with the cross-border healthcare and conclusion. We want to find out how many persons with disabilities and persons with chronic conditions have experience with using this kind of healthcare, how would they describe their experience and how likely they are to make a use of this opportunity again.
No in-depth knowledge is required to complete the survey, questions are about experience with cross-border healthcare. The survey is targeted at IF, EDF and EPF members and their networks; persons with disabilities and chronic diseases or parents of children affected by disability or chronic disease.
The results for persons with disabilities and persons with chronic disease will be compared to one another. We also want to receive a country specific information with which we could target Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) regarding the situation in their country. We also plan to interact with the European Commission on findings and see if we can use the results to push for action on European level which would lead to full and correct implementation of the cross border healthcare directive and better outcomes for patients as well as persons with disabilities. The results of the survey are planned to be presented at the IF event in the European Parliament at the end of the year December 2016. The results will be also made available on IF website www.ifglobal.org.
The survey should take about 10 - 15 minutes to complete and it will be available from the 24th of May 2016 until the 31st of August 2016.
Will my information be published?
The survey is anonymous. We only ask for such information as is necessary to analyse the results, e.g., demographic and country information. No personal information will be published. If you wish to be contacted further, for example for an interview, you will have an opportunity to give your contact details.
By completing and submitting this survey, as a participant, you are providing your informed consent.
If you need additional information about the questionnaire or clarifications on the content, please do not hesitate to write at the following email address: info@ifglobal.org.
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