viernes, 22 de marzo de 2019

More reasons to try yoga


Harvard Medical School

Increased well-being: Another reason to try yoga

The ability of yoga to help dial back both physical and mental problems is reason enough to try it. But there's more. Even at this early stage of research, a regular yoga practice appears to correlate with increased wellbeing, including better sleep, better body awareness, weight loss, and greater happiness. By improving mindfulness, it simultaneously helps to boost compassion, gratitude, and "flow" states, all of which contribute to greater happiness. Early evidence suggests that yoga may even slow aging on the cellular level, perhaps through its stress-busting effects.
What makes these findings so exciting is that they suggest that a regular yoga practice can improve multiple areas of your life at once, creating positive feedback loops that can further promote health. For example, yoga can help improve your sleep, which in turn gives you more energy and focus during your day. When you feel better physically and mentally, you have the energy to adopt better habits, including a healthier diet and more physical activity. These changes in turn can lead to better weight control, which helps with a host of physical problems. More exercise—not to mention fewer aches and pains—can improve your sleep, and so the cycle continues.
Get your copy of Introduction to Yoga
Introduction to Yoga
Yoga is more than just a workout—it’s actually a combination of four components: postures (like tree pose), breathing practices, deep relaxation, and meditation that can transform your health on many different levels. To show you how easy yoga can be and how you can reap the many health benefits, Harvard Medical School experts created An Introduction to Yoga.

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Better sleep

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning— refreshed and ready to go, or groggy and grumpy? As many as one in four Americans sleeps less than six hours a night. Insufficient sleep can make you too tired to work efficiently, to exercise, or to eat healthfully.
Over time, sleep deprivation increases the risks for a number of chronic health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. But emerging research shows that yoga may help you fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and sleep more soundly—without the negative side effects of medication.
Yoga facilitates sleep by reducing stress, anxiety, and arousal—all known causes of poor sleep. One small study looked at a Kundalini meditation and breathing practice. Twenty people who had trouble sleeping did the 30-minute practice every night before going to bed. After eight weeks, researchers found that the participants were sleeping 36 minutes longer on average and waking up less during the night. Over all, the quality of their sleep improved by 11%.
Sleep problems tend to increase as you get older, but a study done on adults ages 60 and up offers some good news. When scientists surveyed 35 seniors who had been doing a daily yoga practice for at least two years, they found that those who did yoga fell asleep 10 minutes faster, got an extra hour of sleep, and felt more rested when they woke up in the morning, compared with seniors who did not do yoga.
Yoga even helps with full-fledged insomnia. While following common advice on how to get a good night's sleep can reduce sleep problems, people in one study fell asleep 37% faster after eight weeks of yoga compared with 28% for those who received only the advice.
Research shows that there is a "dose-response" effect—meaning that the more you practice yoga, the fewer sleep disturbances you are likely to experience and the more restorative your sleep will be. Even if you don't have problems falling asleep, yoga can improve the quality of your slumber.
To learn more about the benefits of yoga and ways to get started, read Introduction to Yoga, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.
 Image: © Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Thinkstock
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A breathing technique to help you relax

yoga breathing technique to help you relax
The practice of yoga incorporates many separate breathing techniques (above and beyond the coordinated breathing you do during yoga routines) that can help relax you and release tension. And many of these techniques can be done anytime, anywhere — not just during yoga class.
If you'd like to reap the benefits of these breathing techniques, start with the abdominal breathing technique described below. Once you've mastered abdominal breathing, you can then try others based on the unique benefits that each technique offers.

Abdominal breathing

As we go about our daily lives, most of us take quick, shallow "chest breaths" that can leave us feeling tense and drained. Abdominal breathing, also called "belly breathing," is a basic yoga breath that combats the effects of chest breathing. The technique emphasizes breathing deeply to create abdominal movement. It's essential for those beginning a yoga practice, but everyone can benefit from learning it, yogi or not.
Abdominal breathing is best learned while lying on your back, with one or both of your hands on your abdomen. To take an abdominal breath, inhale slowly and deeply, drawing air into the lowest part of your lungs so your hand rises. Your belly should expand and rise as you inhale, then contract and lower as you exhale. One way to think of this is to imagine your lungs as two glasses of water — with each breath, you should fill them from the bottom up, but empty them from the top down.
Once you're comfortable doing abdominal breathing in a reclining position, you can try it while sitting or standing. You can use this technique as you practice a yoga posture or while meditating. It is also useful at any time of the day when you need to calm down.
To learn more about the other breathing techniques, plus ways to get started with a yoga practice, read Introduction to Yoga, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School. 
Image: DragonImages/iStock
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Introduction to Yoga

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