Last Updated: Jun 02, 2016
- Biomarker Tests for Molecularly Targeted Therapies The Key to Unlocking Precision Medicine
G Lyman et al, NEJM, June 1, 2016 - Data integration to prioritize drugs using genomics and curated data.
Louhimo Riku et al. BioData mining 2016 921 - Attitudes to incorporating genomic risk assessments into population screening programs: the importance of purpose, context and deliberation.
Nicholls Stuart G et al. BMC medical genomics 2016 9(1) 25 - Confronting the Care Delivery Challenges Arising from Precision Medicine.
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Galli Stephen Joseph et al. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2016 May 137(5) 1289-300 - Why Public Health Is Critical in a Precision Medicine World
Ellen Clayton video presentation, Boston University, 2015 - Toward Novel Diagnostics for Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma? An Association Study of Polymorphic Variation in Ras Homolog Family Member (A, B, C, D) Genes RHOA, RHOB, RHOC, and RHOD.
Saracaloglu Ahmet, et al. Omics : a journal of integrative biology 2016 5 (5) 290-5 - Building towards precision medicine: empowering medical professionals for the next revolution.
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Harvard School of Public Health, May 2016 - From Individualized Treatment of Sickle Cell Pain to Precision Medicine: A 40-Year Journey.
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