jueves, 3 de agosto de 2017

In Australia, men still prefer mothers to stay at home | August 3, 2017 | MercatorNet |

In Australia, men still prefer mothers to stay at home

| August 3, 2017 | MercatorNet |

In Australia, men still prefer mothers to stay at home

New household stats show that men are also more conservative about family structure.
Jenni Henderson | Aug 3 2017 | comment 2 

The Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey is Australia’s only nationally representative household longitudinal study, following the same individuals and households since 2001.
This infographic shows how our family and work life has changed over 16 years and how this is reflected in our attitudes today.


This piece is part of a series on the recent release of HILDA survey data.
Read more:
Emil Jeyaratnam, Multimedia Editor, The Conversation and Jenni Henderson, Editor, Business and Economy, The Conversation
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.


August 3, 2017

If today's newsletter has a theme, it might be "culture begins at home". John Robson returns to the popular film Dunkirk, more in sorrow than anger.
Why don't Gen Xers and Gen Yers know about this impressive feat of courage and resilience? It's easy to blame teachers besotted with fashionable trends in history, but isn't the real reason that parents don't pass on their history at the dinner table? We need to talk to children about the traditions which give us pride, he argues. 

Michael Cook 

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In Australia, men still prefer mothers to stay at home

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