martes, 18 de agosto de 2020

An open-label, randomized, non-inferiority trial of the efficacy and safety of ciprofloxacin versus streptomycin + ciprofloxacin in the treatment of bubonic plague (IMASOY): study protocol for a randomized control trial | Trials | Full Text

An open-label, randomized, non-inferiority trial of the efficacy and safety of ciprofloxacin versus streptomycin + ciprofloxacin in the treatment of bubonic plague (IMASOY): study protocol for a randomized control trial | Trials | Full Text

Bubonic plague is the primary manifestation of infection with Yersinia pestis, accounting for 90% of all plague cases and with 75% of global cases reported in Madagascar. All drugs in use for treating plague are ...
Authors:Rindra Vatosoa Randremanana, Mihaja Raberahona, Mamy Jean de Dieu Randria, Minoarisoa Rajerison, Voahangy Andrianaivoarimanana, Agathe Legrand, Tsinjo Fehizoro Rasoanaivo, Ravaka Randriamparany, Théodora Mayouya-Gamana, Reziky Mangahasimbola, Josie Bourner, Alex Salam, Annelies Gillesen, Tansy Edwards, Matthieu Schoenhals, Laurence Baril…
Citation:Trials 2020 21:722
Content type:Study protocol
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