viernes, 21 de agosto de 2020

Identifying predictive biomarkers of CIMAvaxEGF success in non–small cell lung cancer patients | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Identifying predictive biomarkers of CIMAvaxEGF success in non–small cell lung cancer patients | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Immunosenescence biomarkers and peripheral blood parameters are evaluated separately as possible predictive markers of immunotherapy. Here, we illustrate the use of a causal inference model to identify predict...
Authors:Patricia Lorenzo-Luaces, Lizet Sanchez, Danay Saavedra, Tania Crombet, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, Geert Molenberghs and Agustin Lage
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:772
Content type:Research article
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