viernes, 14 de agosto de 2020

Increasing of malignancy of breast cancer cells after cryopreservation: molecular detection and activation of angiogenesis after CAM-xenotransplantation | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Increasing of malignancy of breast cancer cells after cryopreservation: molecular detection and activation of angiogenesis after CAM-xenotransplantation | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Ovarian tissue cryopreservation has a wide range of cancerous indications. Avoiding relapse becomes a specific concern that clinicians frequently encounter. The data about the comparative viability of cancer c...
Authors:Xinxin Du, Plamen Todorov, Evgenia Isachenko, Gohar Rahimi, Peter Mallmann, Yuanguang Meng and Vladimir Isachenko
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:753
Content type:Research article
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