lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020

Protocol of the VICTORIA study: personalized vitamin D supplementation for reducing or preventing fatigue and enhancing quality of life of patients with colorectal tumor - randomized intervention trial | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Protocol of the VICTORIA study: personalized vitamin D supplementation for reducing or preventing fatigue and enhancing quality of life of patients with colorectal tumor - randomized intervention trial | BMC Cancer | Full Text

Cancer-related fatigue represents one major cause of reduced quality of life in cancer patients and can seriously affect the physical, emotional, and cognitive functioning impeding coping with the disease. Opt...
Authors:Ben Schöttker, Sabine Kuznia, Dana Clarissa Laetsch, David Czock, Annette Kopp-Schneider, Reiner Caspari and Hermann Brenner
Citation:BMC Cancer 2020 20:739
Content type:Study protocol
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