viernes, 14 de agosto de 2020

Tertiary lymphoid structure related B-cell IgE isotype switching and secondary lymphoid organ linked IgE production in mouse allergy model | BMC Immunology | Full Text

Tertiary lymphoid structure related B-cell IgE isotype switching and secondary lymphoid organ linked IgE production in mouse allergy model | BMC Immunology | Full Text

Numerous data obtained by different research laboratories indicate that specific IgE production is triggered independently of specific IgG or IgA ones and so it is not linked to fully matured germinal centers ...
Authors:Dmitrii Borisovich Chudakov, Dmitrii Yuryevich Ryasantsev, Daria Sergeevna Tsaregorotseva, Olga Dmitrievna Kotsareva, Gulnar Vaisovna Fattakhova and Elena Viktorovna Svirshchevskaya
Citation:BMC Immunology 2020 21:45
Content type:Research article
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