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Comment: Building cross-border healthcare networks
‘The implications will be huge, not just for patients, but also for the pharmaceuticals companies’
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Orphan drugs attract rich returns for pharmaceuticals
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FEBRUARY 28, 2017 by: Yann Le Cam
One of the greatest challenges faced by those working to treat rare diseases is that the expertise and the very small groups of patients are scattered across the world. Even within Europe, it is very difficult to connect the right knowledge, treatment and research with the people who need it most.
Comment: Building cross-border healthcare networks
‘The implications will be huge, not just for patients, but also for the pharmaceuticals companies’
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Orphan drugs attract rich returns for pharmaceuticals
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FEBRUARY 28, 2017 by: Yann Le Cam
One of the greatest challenges faced by those working to treat rare diseases is that the expertise and the very small groups of patients are scattered across the world. Even within Europe, it is very difficult to connect the right knowledge, treatment and research with the people who need it most.
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