domingo, 23 de junio de 2019

Can an algorithm be trained to recognize different childhood coughs? - On Health

Can an algorithm be trained to recognize different childhood coughs? - On Health

Dr. Paul Porter

Dr. Paul Porter

Dr Porter is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Curtin University and a Paediatrician and Paediatric Emergency Medicine Specialist at Joondalup Health Campus and Princess Margaret Hospitals in Perth, Western Australia. He is also the Lead of the Partnerships in Health Intelligence research group (PHI). He combines clinical practice with an active research group focused on new medical technologies and their potential in improving clinical care. Dr Porter is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board and shareholder of ResApp Health, an Australian company commercializing the technology.

Can an algorithm be trained to recognize different childhood coughs?

Respiratory illnesses affect hundreds of millions of children worldwide. In this blog, Dr Paul Porter, author of a new study in Respiratory Research, talks about the development of a new tool for diagnosing childhood respiratory disease, using only a smartphone, acoustic analysis, and the power of mathematics.
Respiratory disorders are the second most common reason for children to attend an emergency department. Pneumonia claims the lives of approximately 900,000 children each year, and lower respiratory infections are a leading cause of reduced quality of life and life span worldwide. To help address this, we have developed a tool designed to separate different pediatric respiratory diseases based on the sound of the cough they cause.

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