sábado, 1 de junio de 2019

Read the latest aging and Alzheimer's news from NIA

Check out these articles for the latest in aging advances and research happening at the National Institute on Aging at NIH:
  • Guidelines proposed for newly defined Alzheimer's-like brain disorder— A recently recognized brain disorder called LATE mimics clinical features of Alzheimer’s disease. LATE has for the first time been defined with recommended diagnostic criteria and other guidelines for advancing and catalyzing future research. 
  • NASA Twins Study reveals health effects of space flight— As part of NASA’s landmark Twins Study, Scott Kelly became the first U.S. astronaut to spend nearly a year in “weightless” microgravity conditions aboard the International Space Station. Meanwhile, his identical twin, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, remained earthbound. Researchers put both men—who like all identical twins shared the same genetic makeup at birth—through the same battery of biomedical tests to gauge how the human body responds to life in space.
  • Alzheimer's in extended family members increased risk of disease, study shows— It’s well established that having a parent or sibling with Alzheimer’s increases a person’s risk of developing the disease. A new, NIA-supported study shows that even in the absence of close family members with Alzheimer’s, having extended family members with the disease increased a person’s risk.
  • Purging failed brain insulation cells lessened damage, improved cognition in Alzheimer's mouse model— A combination of senolytic drugs that cleared out damaged protective stem cells in the brain showed reductions in Alzheimer’s pathology and improved memory in an Alzheimer’s mouse model.

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Read and share the latest research news from the National Institute on Aging at NIH: http://bit.ly/2EkEbTQ 

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