|MercatorNet|November 3, 2017| MercatorNet|

Teens and sexual identity
What to tell your kids when their friends come out as 'bi'.
In the following "Dear Katy" video from Cana Vox, Katy answers a mother's question about a trend among US high school kids: coming out as bisexual. The issue could just as easily be the transgender fad. However, Katy advises making the children's reports about thier "bi" friends a teachable moment.
This seems pretty good advice. What do you think?
Republished with permission from Cana Vox.

November 3, 2017
"More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly." That's Woody Allen, quoted by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, at the opening of his wonderful lecture on "Cultural climate change", delivered in New York during the summer and republished today on MercatorNet. "Well, that's how it seems sometimes," he adds to Allen's wisecrack, but that's where the pessimism ends. What follows is a realistic but also optimistic survey of religion in society. Rabbi Sacks is a welcome voice of faith and reason in public life today.
In other articles: Law professor Steven Smith pinpoints the issue behind the pending US Supreme Court case Masterpiece Cakeshop, and similar cases involving vendors who have declined on religious grounds to provide particular message-conveying services for same-sex weddings; Michael Cook shows why there might yet be a 'No' majority in Australia's same-sex marriage referendum; Marcus Roberts looks at what is feeding the opioid epidemic; and Rafael Hurtado highlights a charming animated film about an ordinary British couple of last century: Ethel and Ernest: a True Story. Something to look forward to!
In other articles: Law professor Steven Smith pinpoints the issue behind the pending US Supreme Court case Masterpiece Cakeshop, and similar cases involving vendors who have declined on religious grounds to provide particular message-conveying services for same-sex weddings; Michael Cook shows why there might yet be a 'No' majority in Australia's same-sex marriage referendum; Marcus Roberts looks at what is feeding the opioid epidemic; and Rafael Hurtado highlights a charming animated film about an ordinary British couple of last century: Ethel and Ernest: a True Story. Something to look forward to!
Deputy Editor,
Ethel and Ernest: finding poetry in the prose of daily life
By Rafael Hurtado
An extraordinary British animation about the love of a very ordinary couple
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NY Times recycles tales from the crypt
By Caroline Farrow
Three years ago a mystery about burials at an old Irish Catholic orphanage was front page news. The Times has exhumed it.
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What Masterpiece Cakeshop is really about
By Steven Smith
It's about compelling public assent.
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Teens and sexual identity
By Carolyn Moynihan
What to tell your kids when their friends come out as 'bi'.
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Cultural climate change and the future of religion
By Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Society and religion stand or fall together.
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Faith, hope and love are stronger than death
By Sheila Liaugminas
We need this reminder
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Is an upset looming in Australia’s same-sex marriage campaign?
By Michael Cook
Academics using big data analytics are predicting a narrow loss for the Yes campaign
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‘Right to life’ means right to abortion and euthanasia, says UN committee
By Jonathan Abbamonte
A venerable human rights charter is reinterpreted.
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What makes us happy?
By Marcus Roberts
Another mindfulness course? A colouring book?
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