Antimicrobial Resistance
Antibiotic Resistance: Insights From a Pile of Dirt to Resistomes - January 9, 2015
Promising antibiotic discovered in microbial ‘dark matter’. Potential drug kills pathogens such as MRSA — and was discovered by mining 'unculturable' bacteria,
Heidi Ledford, Nature News, Jan 7
From a pile of dirt, hope for a powerful new antibiotic,
by Denise Grad, New York Times, Jan 7
Microbe found in grassy field contains powerful antibiotic,
Science News, Jan 7
Will new antibiotic Teixobactin save us all? Umm, not quite,
Siouxsie Wiles, Infectious Thoughts, Science Blog, Jan 8
Antibiotics: US discovery labelled 'game-changer' for medicine,
by James Gallagher, BBC News, Jan 7
A new antibiotic kills pathogens without detectable resistance
Losee L. Ling, Nature, January 7, 2015
Losee L. Ling, Nature, January 7, 2015
What is a resistance gene? Ranking risk in resistomes.
José L. Martínez, et al. Nature Reviews Microbiology, December 15, 2014
José L. Martínez, et al. Nature Reviews Microbiology, December 15, 2014
Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance: Emerging Role for Genomics - November 26, 2014
Using genomics to tackle antimicrobial resistance,
by Laura Blackburn, PHG Foundation, Nov 20
Genomics and the management of antimicrobial resistance: current successes and future challenges,
PHG Foundation, Policy Brief, November 2014
Outsmarting Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens: Role of Genomics - October 30, 2014
New CDC blog post: Outsmarting antimicrobial-resistant pathogens, by Marta Gwinn, CDC Office of Public Health Genomics and guest blogger Clifford McDonald, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, NCEZID, CDC
Recent insights
Disentangling human tolerance and resistance against HIV
Regoes R, et al. PLoS Biol 2014; 12(9): e1001951.
Regoes R, et al. PLoS Biol 2014; 12(9): e1001951.
A systematic analysis of biosynthetic gene clusters in the human microbiome reveals a common family of antibiotics
Donia MS, et al. Cell. 2014;158(6):1402-14.
Mining the microbiome for medicines: Set a thief...
The Economist, Sep 20, 2014.
Donia MS, et al. Cell. 2014;158(6):1402-14.
Mining the microbiome for medicines: Set a thief...
The Economist, Sep 20, 2014.
Infection control in the multidrug-resistant era: tending the human microbiome
Tosh PK, McDonald LC. Clin Infect Dis 2012;54(5):707-13.
Tosh PK, McDonald LC. Clin Infect Dis 2012;54(5):707-13.
Association of antibiotics in infancy with early childhood obesity
Bailey LC, et al. JAMA Pediatr, Sep 29, 2014.
Bailey LC, et al. JAMA Pediatr, Sep 29, 2014.
Sequence-specific antimicrobials using efficiently delivered RNA-guided nucleases
Citorik RJ, et al. Nat Biotechnol, Sep 21, 2014.
Battling superbugs with gene-editing system
Trafton A. Phys.Org, Sep 21, 2014.
Citorik RJ, et al. Nat Biotechnol, Sep 21, 2014.
Battling superbugs with gene-editing system
Trafton A. Phys.Org, Sep 21, 2014.
Discovery of modulators of HIV-1 infection from the human peptidome
Munch J, et al. Nat Rev Microbiol 2014; 12: 715–722.
Munch J, et al. Nat Rev Microbiol 2014; 12: 715–722.
Antibiotic Resistance: Genomics & Public Health - September 25, 2014
CDC information: White House announces national strategy for combating antibiotic-resistant bacteria
CDC initiative: Detect and protect against antibiotic resistance
NIH blog post: New strategies in battle against antibiotic resistance include expansion of DNA sequencing capacity and collection of those microbial genetic sequences in a centralized National Database of Resistant Pathogens,
by Drs. Anthony S. Fauci and Francis Collins, Sep 18
US vows to combat antibiotic resistance -strategy lauded, but some fear it is lax on agricultural use,
by Sara Reardon, Nature News, Sep 23
New US strategy on antimicrobial resistance launched,
by Dr Philippa Brice, PHG Foundation, Sep 22
Superbugs meet their match in rapid genome sequencing
Sample I. Guardian, Sep 12, 2014.
Sample I. Guardian, Sep 12, 2014.
How bacterial genomes could help tackle antibiotic resistance,
by Leila Lehushi, PHG Foundation, Aug 10
Podcast Q&A: How genomics can tackle antimicrobial resistance,
from SciDevNet, May 2014
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