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Vaccines: Advances in Genomics and Public Health :: Current|Update|Genomics|CDC
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Last Updated: Feb 23, 2016
- Vaccines for Children Program
(From CDC Information Database)
- Genetics and vaccines in the era of personalized medicine.
Castiblanco John et al. Current genomics 2015 Feb (1) 47-59 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Proteomic contributions to our understanding of vaccine and immune responses.
Galassie Allison C et al. Proteomics. Clinical applications 2015 Dec (11-12) 972-89 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Application of "Systems Vaccinology" to Evaluate Inflammation and Reactogenicity of Adjuvanted Preventative Vaccines.
Lewis David J M et al. Journal of immunology research 2015 909406 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- A review of reverse vaccinology approaches for the development of vaccines against ticks and tick borne diseases.
Lew-Tabor A E et al. Ticks and tick-borne diseases 2015 Dec (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Impact of host genetic polymorphisms on vaccine induced antibody response.
Linnik Janina E, et al. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 2016 1 0 (From HuGE Literature Finder)
- Molecular signatures of antibody responses derived from a systems biology study of five human vaccines.
Li Shuzhao et al. Nature immunology 2014 Feb (2) 195-204 (From CDC-Authored Genomics Publication Database)
- Transforming Cancer Prevention through Precision Medicine and Immune-oncology.
Kensler Thomas W et al. Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2016 Jan 9(1) 2-10 (FromGenomics & Health Impact Scan Database)
- Biobank/Genomic Research in Nigeria: Examining Relevant Privacy and Confidentiality Frameworks.
Nnamuchi Obiajulu et al. The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics 2015 Dec 43(4) 776-86 (From Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database)
- Prevention Status Reports: Heart Disease and Stroke[PDF 168.90 KB] Illinois, 2013
Disease: Stroke|Heart Disease|Familial Hypercholesterolemia; Type: Data|Policy|Program; State: Illinois (From Implementation Database)
- Prevention Status Reports: Heart Disease and Stroke[PDF 116.29 KB] Maine, 2013
Disease: Stroke|Heart Disease|Familial Hypercholesterolemia; Type: Data|Policy|Program; State: Maine (From Implementation Database)
- Prevention Status Reports: Heart Disease and Stroke[PDF 139.84 KB] Massachusetts, 2013
Disease: Stroke|Heart Disease|Familial Hypercholesterolemia; Type: Data|Policy|Program; State: Massachusetts (From Implementation Database)
- Prevention Status Reports: Heart Disease and Stroke[PDF 143.63 KB] Nevada, 2013
Disease: Heart Disease|Stroke|Familial Hypercholesterolemia; Type: Data|Policy|Program; State: Nevada (From Implementation Database)
- Prevention Status Reports: Heart Disease and Stroke[PDF 133.98 KB] New York, 2013
Disease: Stroke|Heart Disease|Familial Hypercholesterolemia; Type: Data|Policy|Program; State: New York (From Implementation Database)
- Prevention Status Reports: Heart Disease and Stroke[PDF 133.86 KB] Oklahoma, 2013
Disease: Stroke|Heart Disease|Familial Hypercholesterolemia; Type: Data|Policy|Program; State: Oklahoma (From Implementation Database)
- The Legal Environment for Precision Medicine.
Thompson Bradley et al. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 2015 Nov (From Genomics & Health Impact Scan Database)
- A strong association of HLA-associated Pol and Gag mutations with clinical parameters in HIV-1 subtype A/E infection.
Van Tran Giang, et al. AIDS (London, England) 2015 11 (From HuGE Literature Finder)
- Synthetic DNA approach to cytomegalovirus vaccine/immune therapy.
Wu Stephan J et al. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 2015 131-48 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Environmental surveillance of poliovirus in sewage water around the introduction period for inactivated polio vaccine in Japan.
Nakamura Tomofumi et al. Applied and environmental microbiology 2015 Mar (5) 1859-64 (From Discoveries and Insights Database)
- Pneumonia Can Be PreventedVaccines Can Help
(From CDC Information Database)
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