miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016

Uridine Triacetate - National Cancer Institute

Uridine Triacetate - National Cancer Institute

National Cancer Institute

Uridine Triacetate for Overdose and Toxicity

We've added a new drug summary for uridine triacetate, which is used to treat overdose of certain drugs used to treat cancer or to treat cardiac and nervous system toxicity caused by these drugs.

Uridine Triacetate

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 (YOOR-ih-deen try-A-seh-tayt)
This page contains brief information about uridine triacetate and a collection of links to more information about the use of this drug, research results, and ongoing clinical trials.
US Brand Name(s)
FDA Approved

Use in Cancer

Uridine triacetate is approved to be used in the emergency treatment of:
Uridine triacetate is also being studied in the treatment of other conditions.

More About Uridine Triacetate

Definition from the NCI Drug Dictionary - Detailed scientific definition and other names for this drug.

Clinical Trials Accepting Patients

Find Clinical Trials for Uridine Triacetate - Check for trials from NCI's list of cancer clinical trials now accepting patients.

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