sábado, 6 de febrero de 2016

What makes you an adult? Pius XII and Hitler. The need to forget.


In spite of all attempts to make the charge “Hitler’s Pope” stick, the last word has definitely not been said about Pope Pius XII and the Nazi leader. The latest account of his role in World War II and the fate of the Jews comes from Mark Riebling, an acclaimed writer on secret intelligence.
From all accounts – including today’s review by Francis Phillips – Church of Spies is a first-class spy thriller. On the book’s Amazon page we learn that Riebling’s interest was piqued by a couple of retired spies who insisted that the Vatican had the best intelligence system around. But he adds:
Less abstractly, I just thought that much of what had been written about the wartime Church was wrong!

Carolyn Moynihan
Deputy Editor,
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