Last Updated: Nov 26, 2016
- Medicine Gets Personal
N Loder, the World in 2017, November 2016 - What does it take to be a leader in precision medicine?
H Ross et al, Stat News, November 25, 2016 - Biospecimen Sharing Among Hispanic Women in a Safety-Net Clinic: Implications for the Precision Medicine Initiative
J Nodora et al, JNCI, - Text Mining for Precision Medicine: Bringing Structure to EHRs and Biomedical Literature to Understand Genes and Health.
Simmons Michael et al. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 2016 939139-166 - Technological considerations for genome-guided diagnosis and management of cancer
NJ Lennon et al, Genome Medicine, November 2016 - A primer on precision medicine informatics.
Sboner Andrea et al. Briefings in bioinformatics 2016 Jan 17(1) 145-53 - Sudden cardiac death of teen reminds physicians of promises, challenges of precision medicine
T Klein, Mayo Clinic, October 31, 2016 - Genetic testing fumbles, revealing dark side of precision medicine
S Begley, StatNews, October 31, 2016 - Precision engagement: the PMIs success will depend on more than genomes and big data
JK Wagner et al, Genetics in Medicine, October 27, 2016 - The Precision Medicine Knowledge Base
Weil Cornell, October 2016 - Clinical Utility of Circulating Tumor DNA for Molecular Assessment and Precision Medicine in Pancreatic Cancer.
Takai Erina et al. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 2016 92413-17 - Delivering on the promise of precision cancer medicine
MF Berger et al, Genome Medicine, October 25, 2016 - Integrating precision cancer medicine into healthcarepolicy, practice, and research challenges
G Bertier et al, Genome Medicine, October 24, 2016 - Precision medicine in cardiology.
Antman Elliott M et al. Nature reviews. Cardiology 2016 Oct (10) 591-602 - Precision Medicine: the Promise, the Journey, the Future
E Lander, Public Health Grand Rounds, Aspen Institute video, October 2016t

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