sábado, 2 de septiembre de 2017

Developmental Milestones Matter!| Features | CDC

Developmental Milestones Matter!| Features | CDC

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People

Developmental Milestones Matter!

Mother with baby, reviewing checklist

Track your child’s milestones and act early if you have a concern.
Skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and waving "bye-bye" are called developmental milestones. From birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he or she plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves.
Parents and caregivers can track developmental milestones from as early as 2 months to help better understand their child's abilities and stay in tune with their child's developmental health.
CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." program offers free, research-based, parent-friendly tools to make it easy and fun to track milestones from age 2 months through 5 years!
 Mother applauding toddler walking
Skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and waving "bye-bye" are called developmental milestones.

Get started today!

Visit the Act Early website to learn more and view other free materials.

View Milestones in Action

Not sure what a particular developmental milestone looks like?
CDC's new Milestones in Action image library features photo and video examples of children reaching developmental milestones from 2 months to 5 years of age so that you know what to look for in your own child. Use it to help you complete a milestone checklist[2.16 MB] for your child today.
To view and share, visit Milestones in Action.
 Doctor consulting with mother and child
Talk with your child's doctor at every visit about the milestones your child has reached and what to expect next.

Missing Milestones? Time to Act Early

Making sure all children have the help and support they need to overcome challenges, find their strengths, and reach their full potential starts early. You know your child best. If your child is missing milestones for his or her age or you have concerns about your child's development,
If you or the doctor is still concerned,
  • Ask the doctor for a referral to a specialist; and
  • Call for a free evaluation to find out if your child can get services to help.

Don't wait. Acting early can make a real difference!

For more about what to do if you have a concern, visit the If You're Concerned page.
For more information about CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." visit the Act Early website.

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