sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016

Investigational Drug Accountability: Local Destruction

11/04/2016 10:09 AM EDT
This video from the NCI Pharmaceutical Management Branch (PMB) will review when and how to perform local destruction of PMB-supplied agents for Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD)-sponsored trials. If you are a person with disability and are having difficulty experiencing the content of these videos, please contact the Pharmaceutical Management Branch (PMB), CTEP/DCTD/NCI/NIH, by telephone 240-276-6575 Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm Eastern Time or by emailing PMBAfterHours@mail.nih.gov at any time. The Investigational Drug Accountability Training Videos can also be viewed directly on NCI's website at http://ctep.cancer.gov/branches/pmb/drug_training_videos.htm.

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