July 28 - August 4, 2016

Last Updated: Jul 28, 2016
- Maternal HIV infection influences the microbiome of HIV-uninfected infants
- Systematic improvement of amplicon marker gene methods for increased accuracy in microbiome studies.
Gohl Daryl M, Vangay Pajau, Garbe John, MacLean Allison, Hauge Adam, Becker Aaron, Gould Trevor J, Clayton Jonathan B, Johnson Timothy J, Hunter Ryan, Knights Dan, Beckman Kenneth B.Nature biotechnology 2016 Jul - Enrichment of the lung microbiome with gut bacteria in sepsis and the acute respiratory distress syndrome
- Flow Cytometric and 16S Sequencing Methodologies for Monitoring the Physiological Status of the Microbiome in Powdered Infant Formula Production.
Anvarian Amir H P, Cao Yu, Srikumar Shabarinath, Fanning Séamus, Jordan Kieran.Frontiers in microbiology 2016 968 - Metagenomic Sequencing of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Upper Bronchial Tract Microbiome Reveals Functional Changes Associated with Disease Severity.
Cameron Simon J S, Lewis Keir E, Huws Sharon A, Lin Wanchang, Hegarty Matthew J, Lewis Paul D, Mur Luis A J, Pachebat Justin A.PloS one 2016 (2) e0149095 - Microbiome profiling of drinking water in relation to incidence of inflammatory bowel disease.
Forbes Jessica D, Van Domselaar Gary, Sargent Michael, Green Chris, Springthorpe Susan, Krause Denis O, Bernstein Charles N.Canadian journal of microbiology 2016 May 1-13 - Vancomycin gene selection in the microbiome of urban Rattus norvegicus from hospital environment.
Hansen Thomas Arn, Joshi Tejal, Larsen Anders Rhod, Andersen Paal Skytt, Harms Klaus, Mollerup Sarah, Willerslev Eske, Fuursted Kurt, Nielsen Lars Peter, Hansen Anders Johannes.Evolution, medicine, and public health 2016 Jul - Microbiome 'social network' revealed by gene swaps
PA Smith, Nature News, July 13, 2016 - Metagenome-wide association studies: fine-mining the microbiome.
Wang Jun, Jia Huijue.Nature reviews. Microbiology 2016 Aug (8) 508-22 - A comprehensive method for amplicon-based and metagenomic characterization of viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes in freshwater samples.
Uyaguari-Diaz Miguel I, Chan Michael, Chaban Bonnie L, Croxen Matthew A, Finke Jan F, Hill Janet E, Peabody Michael A, Van Rossum Thea, Suttle Curtis A, Brinkman Fiona S L, Isaac-Renton Judith, Prystajecky Natalie A, Tang Patrick.Microbiome 2016 (1) 20 - GUTSS: An Alignment-Free Sequence Comparison Method for Use in Human Intestinal Microbiome and Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Analysis.
Brittnacher Mitchell J, Heltshe Sonya L, Hayden Hillary S, Radey Matthew C, Weiss Eli J, Damman Christopher J, Zisman Timothy L, Suskind David L, Miller Samuel I.PloS one 2016 (7) e0158897 - Microbiome-wide association studies link dynamic microbial consortia to disease
- The microbiome and innate immunity
- Capturing the diversity of the human gut microbiota through culture-enriched molecular profiling
JT Lau et al, Genome Medicine, July 2016 - Raising standards in microbiome research
Editorial, Nature Microbiology, June 2016

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