viernes, 22 de julio de 2016

CDC - Anuncios de servicio público de la campaña Screen for Life

CDC - Anuncios de servicio público de la campaña Screen for Life

CDC. Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Salvamos vidas. Protegemos a la gente.

Anuncios de servicio público de la campaña Screen for Life

Estos anuncios de servicio público están disponibles, gratuitamente, para que organizaciones e individuos los compartan con los medios locales. Vea laGuía para el uso de materiales.
La campaña Screen for Life se asocia con la National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance de la Entertainment Industry Foundation y su cofundadora, Katie Couric, para crear anuncios de servicio público con los famosos. Algunos de ellos han sido afectados personalmente por el cáncer colorrectal.

Anuncios de servicio público de radio y televisión

Para solicitar los archivos de video, por favor comuníquese con CDC-INFO.
Foto del anuncio de servicio público No Hay Excusas
No Hay Excusas
Hombres y mujeres de origen diverso hacen preguntas sobre el cáncer colorrectal y se informan de las razones para hacerse una prueba de detección.

Foto de Jimmy Smits
La Vida Real (con Jimmy Smits)
Situado en una sala de cine, el actor Jimmy Smits, ganador de los premios Emmy® y Golden Globe®, explica cómo un distinto examen para detectar el cáncer colorrectal salva vidas.

Anuncios de servicio público impresos

No Hay Excusas
No Hay Excusas
Estos anuncios abordan las opiniones erróneas comunes sobre el cáncer colorrectal en un formato de pregunta y respuesta.

Guía para el uso de materiales

El contenido desarrollado por la campaña Screen for Life de los CDC y presentado en la página web de los CDC está disponible para el uso público exactamente como se encuentra en la web, sin realizar ningún cambio.
Si tiene preguntas sobre cómo puede usar los recursos de la campaña, o si le gustaría solicitar anuncios o discos impresos, por favor llame al 1 (800) CDC-INFO o Comuníquese con CDC-INFO.

Hojas informativas, folletos, carteles, diarios de los síntomas, botones, insignias y anuncios de servicio público

Las hojas informativas, folletos, carteles, diarios de los síntomas, botones, insignias y los anuncios de servicio público de la campaña Screen for Life no se pueden modificar de ninguna manera. Añadir o quitar logotipos o información para destacar los servicios suministrados por una persona, compañía u organización presumiría el respaldo del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos, y esto va contra las políticas federales.

Imágenes e ilustraciones

Muchas de las imágenes e ilustraciones de Screen for Life están protegidas por los derechos de autor y puede que no estén disponibles para el uso de entidades que no pertenezcan a CDC, dependiendo de los acuerdos contractuales.

Logotipo de la campaña

Screen for Life es una campaña de los CDC. Su logotipo no se puede usar en materiales que no hayan sido creados ni producidos por los CDC. El logotipo de la campaña no está disponible para el uso en materiales creados independientemente por otras organizaciones.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People

Screen for Life Campaign Public Service Announcements

These television, radio, and print public service announcements (PSAs) are available, at no cost, for organizations and individuals to share with local media. See Usage Guidelines.
Screen for Life partners with the Entertainment Industry Foundation’s National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance and its cofounder, Katie Couric, to create public service announcements with celebrities. Some have been affected by colorectal cancer personally.

TV and Radio PSAs

Screen for Life television and radio PSAs explain the facts about colorectal cancer and why screening is important for people aged 50 years and older. To request video files, please contact CDC-INFO.
Photo of Meryl Streep

Control (featuring Meryl Streep)
Academy Award-winning actress Meryl Streep says, “There is so much in life we can’t control. But here’s something we can: colorectal cancer.” She talks about getting screened herself and urges others to do the same.

Photo from No Excuses public service announcement

No Excuses
Diverse men and women ask questions about colorectal cancer and learn why, when, and how to get screened.

Photo from No Hay Excusas public service announcement

No Hay Excusas (Spanish)
Diverse men and women ask questions about colorectal cancer and learn why, when, and how to get screened.

Photo of Terrence Howard

This Is Personal (featuring Terrence Howard)
Golden Globe- and Academy Award-nominated actor Terrence Howard talks about losing his mother to colorectal cancer and urges people to be screened for the disease.
Your Wake-Up Call (featuring Terrence Howard)
Mr. Howard talks about how his mother’s death from colorectal cancer can serve as a wake-up call to viewers to get screened.

Photo of Diane Keaton

Grammy Keaton (featuring Diane Keaton)
Academy Award-winning actress Diane Keaton talks about her grandmother’s death from colorectal cancer and vows “to do everything possible to stay alive for as long as I can … in good health.”

Photo of Jimmy Smits

The Screening (featuring Jimmy Smits)
Set in a movie screening room, Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning actor Jimmy Smits explains how a different kind of screening—for colorectal cancer—saves lives.
La Vida Real (Spanish version of “The Screening”)

Photo of Morgan Freeman

The Picture of Health (featuring Morgan Freeman)
Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman says you can look and feel fine, but without getting screened for colorectal cancer, you might not know there’s a problem.

Radio Live-Read Scripts

Announcer “Live-Read” Scripts
Ready-to-use scripts[PDF-429KB] that a radio announcer can use during on-air programming; available in English and Spanish in 40-, 30-, and 20-second versions.

Print PSAs

Screen for Life print and display PSAs are available in several sizes and in color and black and white versions. To request specific sizes, please contact CDC-INFO.
Really? PSA featuring Katie Couric

NEW! Really? (featuring Katie Couric)
Journalist Katie Couric explains how colorectal cancer screening saves lives.

No Excuses

No Excuses
Common misconceptions about colorectal cancer are addressed in a question-and-answer format.
No Hay Excusas (Spanish version of “No Excuses”)
This Is Personal (2009) Color

This Is Personal (featuring Terrence Howard) Color
Golden Globe- and Academy Award-nominated actor Terrence Howard talks about his personal connection to colorectal cancer, saying, “Let my heartbreak be your wake-up-call.”

This Is Personal (2009) Black and White

This Is Personal (featuring Terrence Howard) Black and white

Picture of Health (2007)

Picture of Health (featuring Katie Couric) 2007
Journalist Katie Couric says that even if you are the “picture of health,” it’s important to get screened for colorectal cancer, which often has no symptoms.

Picture of Health (2005)

Picture of Health (featuring Katie Couric) 2005

Art Gallery Public Service Announcements

Art Gallery
Illustration encouraging people over 50 to get tested for colorectal cancer.

Busy People

Busy People
Features photos of diverse people. They are all busy, but each found time to get tested for colorectal cancer.

Usage Guidelines

Content developed by CDC’s Screen for Life campaign and presented on CDC’s Web site is available for public use exactly as it is found online, without being changed in any way. If you have questions about whether or how you may use these campaign resources, or if you would like to requestScreen for Life print ads or print disks, please call 1 (800) CDC-INFO or contact CDC-INFO.

Fact sheets, brochures, posters, postcards, banner ads, and PSAs

Screen for Life fact sheets, brochures, posters, postcards, banner ads, and public service announcements (PSAs) may not be changed in any way. Adding or removing logos or information to highlight the services provided by an individual, company, or organization would imply endorsement by the Department of Health and Human Services, which is against federal policy.

Images and illustrations

Many Screen for Life images and illustrations are copyright protected, and depending on contractual agreements, may not be available for use by non-CDC entities.

Campaign logos

Screen for Life is a CDC campaign. Its logo may not be used on materials other than those created and produced by CDC. The campaign logo is not available to third-party organizations for use on independently created materials.

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